How to improve the strength of yarn?

2022-01-15   Pageview:428

There are many factors affecting the fiber strength, such as uneven twist of the fiber (yarn) itself, too long hairiness, uneven strips, as well as many factors in the pre-treatment enzyme etching, refining and bleaching, dyeing and re-dyeing and post-treatment soft finishing. These processing processes are unavoidable and can only be avoided as much as possible, such as using special fiber protection agents to reduce the impact of the dyeing and finishing process on fiber strength.

1,  Mechanism of wax emulsion

Wax emulsion, is a multi-purpose cost-effective former fiber protectant, can be very good to prevent the fabric strength reduction. The better effect of wax emulsion, fiber protector smoothing agent, its core mechanism is to penetrate into the fiber inside, filled with fiber gap, evenly coated with a protective film, thereby greatly enhancing the smoothness of the fiber, significantly reducing the friction between the fiber and processing equipment.

At the same time, there is no difference between the inner and outer layers, and there is no need to apply solid wax when winding, thus avoiding the production of splashes and improving the working environment, and staff no longer need to wear masks. Finally, it effectively improves the top breaking strength and tearing strength of the fabric during processing, significantly improves the production efficiency and weaves a clearer and more uniform texture.

2, There are many factors that affect the strength of short fiber blended yarn

There are two main factors: one is the performance of the fiber itself, such as length, fineness, strong and tensile properties (see Figure 1), breaking strength, surface friction properties; the second is the factor of yarn structure, such as twist, fineness, processing technology, fiber arrangement geometry, blending ratio, etc.

To improve the basic strength of yarn and reduce the weak ring of the original yarn is the root of the problem. In addition, from winding to warping, each processing step will reduce the elasticity and breaking elongation of the original yarn, so it is especially important to reduce the winding tension, keep the elongation of the original yarn, reduce the accidental friction and stretching.


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