Is It Better To use PE Wax Or Paraffin For PVC Pipes?

2024-10-31   Pageview:80

Is it better to use PE wax or paraffin for PVC pipes? PE wax, paraffin (external lubrication) mainly prevents objects from adhering to equipment, stearic acid (internal lubrication), melts with resin and reduces intermolecular friction.

PE wax is a very important lubricating agent in the PVC processing process. Compared with fatty acid lubricants, it does not have an adverse effect on melt tension and Vicat softening point, and provides excellent anti-adhesion and flow control. In special processing methods, PE wax can be used to control melting, and it can have good compatibility with other ingredients even if a large amount is added.

Characteristics of PVC pipe lubricant:

1. Good internal and external lubrication performance and surface glossiness.

2. Good mutual melting and anti-sticking properties.

3. Good dispersibility for pigments and fillers.

4. Can improve the brightness and brightness of masterbatch.

5. Can be used as a lubricant, opening agent, antistatic agent, and release agent.

6. It has the unique properties of high melting point and low viscosity in the melt and good migration.

TIANSHI TS-5208 PVC lubricant has good compatibility with fillers, pigments, and polar resins. Its high melting point and low viscosity promote good resin fluidity, relatively reduce the power consumption of resin mixing, reduce the adhesion of resin to the mold, and facilitate demoulding. It plays a role of internal and external lubrication and has good anti-static properties. It has a high melting point and can increase the plasticization speed and improve the metal stripping properties in PVC.


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