What Additives Are Added To Prevent Ink From Sticking?

2024-09-30   Pageview:26

What additives are added to prevent ink from sticking? In offset printing, various printing problems are often encountered. Due to changes in humidity, temperature, paper, machine speed and other conditions, the printing suitability of the ink often has some problems, affecting the quality of the printed product. The printing suitability of the ink is improved by adding certain additives to the ink.

Wax powder can form a very thin protective film on the surface of the dry film of the ink, making the film smooth and improving friction resistance. In addition, it can also reduce the viscosity of the ink, prevent smearing, prevent agglomeration, make the ink water-resistant, water-repellent and adjust the emulsification. Some waxes also have the functions of matting and preventing crystallization.
Fluidity adjusters are auxiliary agents used to adjust the fluidity, adhesion and viscosity of inks:

Ink detackifiers are made by mixing, refining or grinding aluminum salts (such as aluminum stearate, aluminum octacarbonate), rosin-modified phenolic resins, polymerized linseed oil, low-viscosity alkyd resins, gelling agents, waxes (beeswax, paraffin, polyethylene wax), mineral oils and driers. Detackifiers are generally transparent or translucent pastes or slurries with high viscosity, fast drying, good gloss and high temperature sensitivity. During storage, there is a slight coarsening phenomenon. Products specially designed for glossy resin inks are used as color adjusters with excellent gloss and good printability.

Waxes are mainly low-molecular polyethylene wax, micronized wax, emulsified wax, etc. Anti-sticking agents can be directly added to inks to prevent sticking, but metal soaps and waxes often reduce the gloss of the ink film. They must be used with caution and should not be used blindly in the process of using ink additives.


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