Application of water-based waxes in mold release agents

2021-06-05   Pageview:1949

Water-based waxes can be used for mold release in low melting point alloy die casting, rubber and plastic, polyurethane, construction, metal processing, glove glue, heat transfer barrier, peelable coating and so on.

Wax-based water-based release agents are widely used. Compared with silicone-based release agents, they have the advantages of high melting point, good gloss, good paintability, and high cost performance.

Wax-based release agent is often used combination with silicon-based release agent, there is a synergistic effect.
High melting point of polyethylene wax, polypropylene wax emulsion commonly used in low melting point alloy casting mold release.

Wax emulsion for rubber tires, can improve the brightness of the parts.

Montan wax emulsion is used for thermal transfer printing barrier layer because of its suitable melting point and printability.

Paraffin wax emulsions are widely used in construction, foundry and other fields where high cost is required.

Modified Paraffin Wax Emulsion LW-102 Name: Wax Emulsion Model Number: LW-102 Chemical Composition: Modified Paraffin Wax

The addition of wax emulsions to the coating of latex products such as glove adhesives improves their mold release and slip properties.

As an important part of mold release agent formulation, wax emulsion can effectively solve the problem of insufficient release force, residue and haze encountered in the process of mold release for polyurethane, TPU, rubber, concrete and metal die casting.


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