Effect Of PE Wax On Flame Retardancy Of Nylon

2023-09-05   Pageview:268

The impact of PE wax on the flame retardancy of nylon, PA6T, 46, 9T, PPA, HTN and other markets will maintain a relatively long-term upward trend. Even in a period of severe economic downturn, the market demand for high temperature nylon has not been affected. However, with the reshuffle of operating factors and the process of vehicle-free, and the continuous development of new heat-resistant polyamide varieties, the market share of these materials will gradually decrease in the future.

1. Add a reactive flame retardant to the resin matrix, that is, the flame retardant participates in the reaction as a reactive monomer and is combined with the main chain or side chain of nylon, causing nylon itself to produce a variety of functional groups. These Functional groups have strong flame retardant activity. Its advantages are good flame retardant stability and performance, little impact on the mechanical properties of materials, and low toxicity; its disadvantages are complicated operation and processing, high cost, and no practical application in production. Additive flame retardant methods are widely used.

2. Add flame retardants to nylon through mechanical blending, and use a twin-screw extruder to produce the nylon material with flame retardant properties, that is, add it during the compounding process. Flame retardant additive. This method is easy to use and has very wide applications.

At present, the research on flame retardant nylon system has been relatively in-depth, which meets the demand of flame retardant to a certain extent. With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, people pay more and more attention to the requirements of environmental protection.

Adding ptfe wax micropowder to PA wear-resistant modification can increase the wear resistance of the product. PTFE micropowder is often added as a white wear-resistant agent. Added to the formulation of thermoplastic plastics, it acts as a flame retardant and anti-drip, helping thermoplastic materials achieve higher flame retardant standards. Compared with conventional polytetrafluoroethylene, it has excellent dispersion and easy operability. It does not clump at room temperature, injection molded products do not wrinkle, black and white products have no crystal points, and the glossiness of the surface of the product is particularly improved. Less impact on impact strength in high impact formulations due to good compatibility.


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