The Difference Between Water-based Wax Slurry And Wax Emulsion

2023-05-10   Pageview:367

The difference between water-based wax slurry and wax emulsion. The main difference between wax emulsion and wax slurry is the particle size, and the particle size determines the difference in its application field. Wax slurry is a wax dispersion developed for water-based systems. It can significantly improve the surface wear resistance of ink, varnish and other carriers, and improve the wear resistance, smoothness and anti-blocking performance of the coating.

The main application fields of wax paste are: water-based ink, water-based varnish, wax water for shoes, leather finishing agent, textile printing paste, water-based wood paint, water-based latex paint, and other water-based paints.
The main performance characteristics of wax paste are:
1. Using relatively hard high-density polyethylene wax supplemented with medium-hardness wax as the material for compounding, unique emulsification equipment and technology.
2. The stability of the slurry is excellent, and it is very easy to disperse, which is very convenient for the application of ink and other industries.
3. The wax slurry has good smoothness, gloss and anti-blocking properties.
4. Since the slurry is alkaline, it is recommended to dilute it with deionized water if it is to be used in an acidic system.

The advantages of wax emulsion and wax dispersion are easy to use, many product specifications, and a wide range of choices. The company can customize products that meet customers’ requirements. The disadvantage is that it needs to fully consider the matching relationship with the pH value and ionicity of the water-based resin system, and consider the shelf life of wax emulsion products and the high temperature and low temperature resistance of storage and transportation.


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