The Role Of Water-based Wax Emulsions In Coatings

2022-10-20   Pageview:494

The role of water-based wax emulsion in coatings, the polyene wax emulsion produced by Tianshi has been widely used in the water-based coating industry, and can be used with most neutral and weak alkaline water systems. Mixing, it can be used for varnishing, finishing, demoulding, sizing, etc. Therefore, the application of water-based wax emulsion is very extensive.

wax dispertions

1. Advantages of wax emulsion: the physical properties of polyene wax emulsion. Water-based coatings commonly used oxidized polyene emulsions have a melting range of 90-145 °C, are pale and translucent, odorless, odorless, and have excellent strength and toughness. Preferred wax.
2. Application characteristics of polyene wax emulsion in waterborne coatings:
(1) Smoothness, abrasion resistance, scratch resistance, after adding the polyene wax emulsion to the water-based ink, the wax emulsion drifts to the surface of the coating film during the film-forming process, disperses evenly, and spreads on the coating film. A wax protective layer is formed, which reduces the coefficient of friction; therefore, the wear resistance and slip of the coating are excellent, and at the same time, the direction of the coating force is changed, and the scratch resistance of the coating is improved.
(2) The influence of the particle size of the emulsion on the gloss of the coating. The visible light wavelength is 400-700 nm. When the particle size of the polyene wax emulsion is less than 1/2 of the visible light wavelength, that is, ≤ 200 nm, it will produce Diffraction of light, thereby improving coating smoothness. It is generally believed that the larger the particle size change of the wax emulsion, the more obvious the gloss effect; in addition, the gloss of the coating has a certain relationship with the crystallinity of the wax. The particle size of wax emulsion has reached nanometer scale. It is the best surface protectant for high gloss ink system.
3. Scope of application of polyethylene wax emulsion Polyethylene wax emulsion is widely used in textile, resin finishing agent, softener, printing ink, water-based paint, printing glue, water-based varnish, etc.
With the rapid development of the water-based paint industry, the scope of application of polyene wax emulsion is becoming more and more extensive. Tianshi wax powder is dedicated to the production and research and development of water-based wax. In the future, Tianshi water-based wax products The quality and output should be further improved to meet the diversified needs of the market.


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