Is amide waxes suitable for water-based coatings?

2021-05-18   Pageview:1090

Waterborne polyamide wax rheology additives are specially designed for aqueous coating systems to build up thixotropic viscosity, control sagging and anti-settling in the system, and to help orient aluminum powder and metallic pigments in the system.

Compared with traditional waterborne rheology additives, polyamide wax products have the following advantages.

1. Excellent thixotropy, anti-sagging and anti-settling properties.

2.In aqueous metallic paints, it can enhance the orientation of the aluminum powder and increase the gloss of the paint film.

3. It can be used in high polarity system which is soluble with water.

4. Easy to disperse, can be added at any stage of production without grinding.

5. Good temperature resistance.

Amide wax supplier – Tanshiwax offers a very special amide wax for water-based wood coatings or other water-based coatings, with high cost performance, easy to use, high performance and does not affect the performance of the paint itself. Welcome to inquiry.


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