Polyethylene Wax Emulsion for Waterborne Floor Coatings

2022-03-28   Pageview:688

The anti-scratch wax emulsion for water-based floor coatings, its main function is to effectively improve the wear-resistant, anti-scratch and slippery properties of water-based floor coatings. In the formulation of floor coatings, the wax emulsion used is mainly polyethylene wax emulsion, which can effectively improve the wear resistance of the paint film, the paint film is very smooth, effectively reduces the friction coefficient of the coating, and plays a role in anti-sticking. It also improves the service life of the product.

Wax Emulsion for Floor Coatings

Wax emulsions are used in different areas of the coating of different products, for example, wax emulsions can improve the sag resistance of architectural coatings, polyethylene wax emulsions, which have good stability, due to the coating systems used to make anti-settling agents, in many solvent-based resin systems. Polyethylene wax is added to prevent or prevent silica from settling to oxidize polyethylene wax to form lumps etc.​​

Water-Based Wax Dispersion PEW-2015 Name: Wax Dispersion Model Number: PEW-2015

The high-density oxidized polyethylene wax emulsion is used to increase the scratch resistance and wear resistance of paint and ink film. It is mainly added to the product formula by stirring before the paint/ink is thickened, and the oxidized polyethylene wax particles are in the coating. The surface needs to form a continuous film, and it can produce a good synergistic effect and compatibility with the film-forming substance in order to improve the smoothness, anti-blocking, scratch resistance and matting of the paint film. However, different coatings The curing method of the paint film of the ink formulation is different, and the effect of the wax particles is also different. Therefore, for the formulation of coatings/inks in different industries, it is necessary to select the appropriate wax emulsion (paraffin wax emulsion, polyethylene wax emulsion, palm wax emulsion, etc.) ).


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