Application of polyethylene wax in ink

2022-03-05   Pageview:360

Polyethylene waxes are low molecular weight polyethylene homopolymers or copolymers widely used in coatings. The so-called wax means that the polymer is finally distributed in the form of microcrystals on the surface of the coating and plays a practical role similar to that of wax.

Polyethylene wax, also known as polymer wax for short, polyethylene wax, is widely used because of its excellent cold resistance, heat resistance, chemical resistance and wear resistance. In normal production, polyethylene wax can be directly added to polyolefin processing as an additive.

It can increase the optical translation and processing performance of the product. As a lubricant, polyethylene wax has stable chemical properties and good electrical properties; polyethylene wax has good compatibility with polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinylcerate, ethylene-propylene rubber and butyl rubber. Can improve the fluidity of polyethylene, polypropylene, ABS and the release of polymethyl methacrylate, polycarbonate.

Compared with PVC and other external lubricants, polyethylene wax has a stronger internal lubricating effect. The ink is composed of colored bodies (such as mostly pigments, dyes and other solid components), binders (vegetable oil, resin or water, solvents, ie A homogeneous mixture of substances such as liquid components in ink), fillers, additives (plasticizers, desiccants, surfactants, dispersants).

Application advantages of polyethylene wax in ink:

1. Adding 1-3% polyethylene wax to the ink can change the fluidity of the ink and reduce the viscosity of the system.

2. It can improve the abrasion resistance and scratch resistance of the ink; improve the pigment dispersion.

3. It can also improve the hydrophilicity, accelerate the fixation, and make the printed dots complete.

4. Polyethylene wax improves the printing performance of ink.

5. The addition of polyethylene wax to the ink can be dispersed in an organic solvent and emulsified with water to make a micropowder wax with a suitable particle size.

The effect of polyethylene wax depends on the following factors: the variety and specification of polyethylene wax, the final particle size, the ability to migrate to the surface of the coating and the composition of the coating, the nature of the substrate to be coated, the method of construction and application, etc. As a kind of auxiliary, polyethylene wax is not only used in solvent-based coatings and inks, but also used in water-based coatings and inks.


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