Commonly used lubricants for plastic molding

2022-01-11   Pageview:674

It is used as dispersant, lubricant and brightening agent in PVC profiles, pipes, fittings, PE, PP molding process, to enhance the plasticization degree, improve the toughness and surface smoothness of plastic products. It is also widely used in the production of PVC compound stabilizer.

The lubricants commonly used in the molding of modified plastics are the following five types.

1, fatty amide lubricants: stearic acid amide, oleic acid amide, hexanamide, octanamide, soft fatty acid amide.

2, metal soap lubricants: calcium, magnesium, barium, lithium, zinc, lead and other metal stearates, and lead octanoate, lead laurate, lead myristate, etc.

3, Fatty acid and ester lubricants: mainly stearic acid, methyl stearate, butyl stearate, etc.

4, Hydrocarbon lubricants: natural paraffin wax, liquid paraffin wax, microcrystalline paraffin wax, polyethylene wax, polypropylene wax.

5, Organic silicon compound lubricant; methyl silicone oil, ethyl silicone oil.

General wax lubricant with low melting point (below 100℃) has poor thermal stability and starts to decompose at 180~200℃. The factories generally treat this kind of low melting point wax lubricant as “pre-lubricant” or “medium-term lubricant”, meanwhile, the thermal stability of wax lubricant is more related to the way of synthesis: the wax synthesized by polymerization is better than the wax generated by thermal cracking.

Tanshi polyethylene wax, welcome to request samples.


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