Characteristics of Polytetrafluoroethylene

2021-12-21   Pageview:490

High temperature resistance – use working temperature up to 250℃.

Low temperature resistance – has good mechanical toughness; even if the temperature drops to -196 ℃, it can maintain 5% elongation.

Corrosion resistance – to most chemicals and solvents, showing inertness, resistance to strong acids and bases, water and various organic solvents.

Weather resistant – has the best aging life among plastics.

High lubricity – has the lowest coefficient of friction of any solid material.

Non-adhesive – is the smallest surface tension among solid materials, does not adhere to any substance, mechanical properties it has a very small coefficient of friction, only 1/5 of polyethylene, which is an important feature of perfluorocarbon surfaces. And because of the fluorine-carbon chain intermolecular force is extremely low, so PTFE has non-stick.

Non-toxic – with physiological inertia, as artificial blood vessels and organs long-term implantation in the body without adverse reactions.














The particle size of the powder coating is reduced from 30 to 50 pm to below 25 pm; the thickness of the coating film is reduced from 60 to 80 gm to 30 to 40 pm, and the resulting coating is thin, uniform and flat. In addition, the use of nanotechnology to uniformly disperse the thermosetting acrylic resin into the pe wax manufacturers PVDF powder coating improves the problems of poor compactness and leveling, and solves the problems of poor compatibility and adhesion. In addition, the use of nanotechnology makes the pearl powder and metal powder pigments easily coated with a layer of fluorocarbon resin, which fundamentally changes the conductivity and compatibility of the metal pigments, and improves the metallic flash effect of the coating film to reach the level of liquid coatings. Improve the anti-corrosion performance. In addition, the technology for preparing powdered fluorocarbon coatings with powder blending (direct dry mixing and color mixing of powder coatings) has been developed, which greatly shortens the powder blending time and timely meets the needs of users. The promotion and application of these new technologies and processes will promote the rapid development and wider application of thermoplastic fluorocarbon powder coatings in my country.

The coating film impact strength, heat resistance, chemical resistance, oil resistance, stain resistance and weather resistance of polyvinyl fluoride powder coatings are very good. It is ideal for the intrinsic viscosity of this powder coating resin to be in the range of 0.6 to 1.2. If it is greater than 1.2, the meltability will be poor, and if it is less than 0.6, the film performance will decrease. Polyvinylidene fluoride powder coatings are used in chemical equipment, pipeline coating and tank anti-corrosion lining.

In addition to the above-mentioned thermoplastic powder coatings, there are polypropylene powder coatings, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) powder coatings, cellulose acetate butyrate and cellulose acetate propionate powder coatings, thermoplastic polyester powder coatings, chlorinated poly Ether powder coating, etc. The following is a brief introduction to these thermoplastic powder coatings.

Polypropylene powder coating is a thermoplastic powder coating composed of polypropylene resin, pigments, fillers and additives. Polypropylene resin is crystalline, non-polar, and has the characteristics of strong toughness, chemical resistance and solvent resistance. The relative density of polypropylene resin is 0.9, so when the resin of the same quality is coated with a certain thickness, the coating area is larger than other resins.


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