Product description of Clariant Wax Powder Licowax R21

2021-12-16   Pageview:811

Brand: Clariant Clariant

Model: R21

Application areas: metal protector, dispersant, preservative, mold release agent and liquid floor care

Product features: superior dispersion performance; good fluidity; good stability, and high purity, etc.

Function: Clariant Wax Powder R21 Good slip, good stability, good dispersion














The texture agent is an additive added to make the appearance of the powder coating film an artistic texture. Among the powder coatings, the art powder coating is also an important paint variety. In the art powder coating, there are wrinkles (orange lines), Sand grain, cotton grain (net grain), pattern and vertical grain and other varieties, the appearance of this powder coating is different from the ordinary powder coating with the appearance of flat film. Generally, there is no need to add a leveling agent (even if necessary, the wax additives addition amount is very large. Less), and add the corresponding texturing agent according to the requirements of the appearance of the coating film to get the appearance of the texturing coating film. The addition process of the texturing agent varies with the type of coating. Some types are combined with other ingredients in the powder coating manufacturing process. Adding in, that is, adding in the pre-mixing process of the raw materials, which is called internal addition in Chinese; some texturing agents are added by dry mixing after the powder coating is manufactured, that is, the external method. Generally, the internal addition method is better than the external addition method. The method of obtaining the powder coating has good appearance stability.

The texture of art-type powder coatings is affected by the following conditions: firstly, the type of texturing agent plays a decisive role; secondly, the amount of texturing agent also plays an important role; and then the type and amount of fillers, especially functional fillers. For example, the influence of organic shadow moisturizing soil on the gloss of sand grain is a decisive role. The texturing agent for powder coatings is introduced below.

The wrinkle (orange line) agent is an auxiliary agent that changes the surface tension of the molten coating when the powder coating is melted, leveled and solidified to make the surface tension uneven and cause wrinkles or orange lines on the shrinking surface of the coating film. The function of the wrinkle (orange) agent is that when the powder coating is baked and cured, the surface tension of the melt-leveling coating is very large, while the surface tension of the wrinkle (orange) agent is relatively small. Compatibility is not good. The one with lower surface tension cannot completely reduce the surface tension of the one with higher surface tension.

Two different surface tension substances coexist, causing uneven wrinkles or orange lines in the coating film. There are many varieties of “Orange lines” agents, and their working principles are also different. From the appearance of the film, the wrinkle textures produced by different specifications of wrinkle agents are also quite different. Some wrinkles have large textures. The wrinkle texture is small, some are deep and three-dimensional, and some are shallow, and the difference between each other is also large. Intuitively, some coatings look like wrinkles and some look like orange lines, and the gloss of the coatings is also quite different.


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