BYK-361N for coatings

2021-12-11   Pageview:484

Chemical composition: polyacrylate
Appearance:Light yellow liquid
Density 20°C g/ml: 1.03g/ml
Non-volatile %:>98.0%
Flash point °C: >110.0°C
Additive dosage (purchased form) based on: 0.05-0.5%

BYK-361N is the solvent-free BYK-358 N. BYK-361N leveling agents improve leveling and gloss, they produce a long-wave effect, and they prevent shrinkage. The acrylic additive does not affect recoatability or interlayer adhesion. BYK-361N leveler is suitable for food contact applications.












Powder coating and coating began in the late 1930s when the industrialization of polyethylene L was successful. People wanted to take advantage of polyethylene’s good chemical resistance ptfe modified pe wax ingredients and use it as a coating or lining material for metal containers. Polyethylene is not soluble in solvent towels and cannot be made into solvent-based coatings, and there is no suitable adhesive that can stick vinyl sheets in metal containers. So flame spraying is used to coat the polyethylene powder on the metal surface in a molten state, which is the beginning of powder coating.

Since the German Kn as park Grs heine company Erco inG emmer invented the fluidized bed system (f uid ized bed system) of powder coatings in 1952. The fluidized bed dipping coating process of thermoplastic powder coatings is mainly used in pipelines. , Electrical insulation and anti-corrosion applications have developed rapidly.
In 1962, the French company Same s invented the electrostatic powder spraying equipment (e leet rosati c powders p raving equipment). In 1964, it developed thermosetting epoxy powder coatings. In 1966, the United States promulgated the “66 Order” to limit the air pollution caused by organic solvents in coatings. In the future, powder coatings have attracted the attention of countries all over the world due to their resource-saving and low-pollution characteristics, and thermal powder coatings have developed rapidly.

In 1971, Europe first developed epoxy polyester powder coatings and added new varieties of thermosetting powder coatings. Thermoplastic powder coatings and thick-coat thermosetting epoxy powder coatings have been promoted and applied in a certain range. In 1972, due to the excellent film and physical and mechanical properties of epoxy polyester powder coatings, it was quickly promoted and applied in Europe. At the same time, Zhou Qian developed the weather resistance of isoperisyl triglycidyl (TGI C) curing during this period. Polyester powder coatings have added new varieties of weather-resistant thermosetting polyester powder coatings. In 1972, the German VP-LANDSHUT company developed polyurethane powder coatings. Then Hben also developed polyurethane powder coatings. The development speed is very fast. There is a considerable proportion in the powder coating varieties in ancient times. Later, acrylic powder coatings were developed to improve the product quality of powder coatings to a new level. People have great hopes for the development prospects of powder coatings and coatings.


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