Troy Preservative Fungicide Mergal® K14plus Physical Properties

2021-12-07   Pageview:328

Product use conditions: pH: 3-9
Temperature: 60oC
Appearance: Yellow liquid
Specific gravity, 20oC [g/ml]: approx. 1.05
pH: approx. 4
Solubility: Mixed with water in any ratio

Bactericidal properties.
Headspace protection
Excellent disinfection effect
Conforms to Blue Angel paint standard (RAL UZ 102)













The coating standing time and baking conditions will vary due to the coating process and drying tunnel design of different coating factories. The same coating formula and thinner composition may sometimes cause humidity due to the influence of the standing time and the initial temperature of the drying tunnel. Defects such as membrane “sudden boiling”, bubbling and poor leveling. In order to provide a wider coating operability, it is necessary to add a solvent-based leveling agent for adjustment. For example, Level olT SF can choose a leveling agent with fast leveling and less foaming. In addition, a defoamer can be used to prevent bubbling and Bubble problem. Polyurethane coatings can easily react with water molecules to produce carbon dioxide gas. In order to quickly eliminate these bubbles, a defoamer must be added. Although this has nothing to do with coating or baking or not, it is a problem derived during the coating reaction process and must be overcome with additives.

Functionality of the coating
The function of primer and putty is to fill and level porous or uneven substrates. Therefore, there are quite a lot of fillers and fillers to help polish in the formula. The wetting and dispersing, anti-foaming defoamers and anti-settling agents have been explained in the paint grinding stage, so I won’t repeat them here. From a practical point of view, regardless of primer, soil fill, base paint, color paint or finish paint, what the additives can provide in the coating also includes the adhesion between layers, such as: aluminum paste paint finish, The adhesion between coatings of different color development systems (such as thermoplastic acrylic and two-component polyurethane, thermoplastic acrylic and UV curing coating, baking paint and two-component polyurethane, baking paint and baking paint). This problem must be addressed from two aspects.

The first is the selection and adjustment of coating resin and curing agent. The main consideration is the difference in coating film shrinkage between different coatings and room temperature, crosslinking density, and top coating liquid. The degree of erosion and glass transition temperature of the primer can be adjusted by changing the resin/curing agent or adding plasticizers and adhesion promoters. On the other hand, it is necessary to consider whether the additives added in the primer formulation will Affect the adhesion between layers. For example, some anti-crater and anti-pollution additives mainly reduce the surface tension. If excessively added or the primer is not polished, the difference in interfacial tension will naturally cause the problems of shrinkage and poor adhesion between layers. Need to re-select anti-cratering additives or reduce the amount of addition. In addition to anti-cratering additives, some wax additives may also cause such problems. Generally, they can be avoided as long as they are selected according to the supplier’s recommendation and the appropriate amount of addition is used.


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