Application of quaternary ammonium salts as catalysts in powder coatings

2021-12-02   Pageview:713

The quaternary ammonium salts are benzyl triethyl ammonium chloride and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide. The corresponding grades of Hubei Laith are Catalyst 303 and 335, of which 303 is easy to absorb moisture and must be kept sealed.

The quaternary phosphonium salts have very good thermal stability and are also used in the synthesis of polyester resins for internal addition. Hubei Laith’s Catalyst 315 is of this type. It has high transparency property and can be used in light colored powder.














Although the above-mentioned treatment of plastic can increase the surface energy and improve the wetting and adhesion of the coating, the equipment, conditions and environment required for it greatly limit the applicability of the coating/ink. For a long time, chlorinated polyolefins have been used. Used as an adhesion promoter for polypropylene and thermoplastic polyolefins (such as PP/EPDM). The adhesion promotion of chlorinated polyolefin to polypropylene and thermoplastic polyolefin is mainly based on chlorinated polyolefins of similar polarity and structure. Through wetting, penetration, diffusion and Brownian motion, the chain molecules of chlorinated polyolefin polymer and The contact interface of the substrate forms mutual dissolution, making the interface disappear. If the general coating drying conditions cannot achieve the desired effect, the baking temperature can be increased to above the glass transition temperature of the chlorinated polyolefin, which can increase the degree of penetration and diffusion, thereby increasing the adhesion promotion effect.

The structure of chlorinated polyolefin is as follows:
One functional group: C1 or special acid
Polyolefin backbone
The main chain of the chlorinated polyolefin (CPO) adhesion promoter is polypropylene or polypropylene copolymer. By controlling the degree of polymerization and the content of chlorine modification, products with different characteristics and uses can be obtained. Generally, the lower the chlorine content, the adhesion The better the oil resistance and the lower the degree of polymerization, the better the solubility, compatibility and wettability of pigments. In addition, in order to improve compatibility, interlayer adhesion, gasoline resistance and gasoline/alcohol resistance, further modification of acid functional groups is carried out. The performance and characteristics of various polyolefin adhesion promoters.

The performance, characteristics and uses of Hard len series products [D
Generally, those with lower modification degree are low in price. They are mainly used for adhesion promotion of polypropylene and thermoplastic polyolefin laminates, films and inks, chemours ptfe powder or as a primer for adhesion promotion primers, and by choosing different modification groups And the modified degree of chlorinated polyolefin can meet the comprehensive requirements of customers for compatibility, solubility, moisture resistance, interlayer adhesion, gasoline resistance and alcohol resistance. In addition to considering the cost, how to choose depends on the selected resin base material, and even the type of resin to be coated, as well as performance requirements, coating methods or baking conditions.


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