Precautions for the use of polyurethane high efficiency catalyst

2021-11-25   Pageview:324

When using the product, avoid inhaling steam or mist liquid vapor, avoid shallow into the eyes, avoid prolonged contact with skin and clothing, if contacted, that is, clean with water. The container of the product should be kept airtight and stored in a light-proof, ventilated, dry and cool place.
















Precipitated barium sulfate Precipitated barium sulfate is white orthorhombic crystals, with a relative density (15°C) of 4.50, a melting point of 1580°C, and a polycrystalline transformation at about 1150°C. It begins to decompose significantly at about 1400°C. It has stable chemical properties and is almost insoluble in water. Ethanol and acid, but dissolve in hot concentrated sulfuric acid, and co-thermally reduce to barium sulfide with carbon.

The production process of artificially synthesized precipitated barium sulfate is: processing heavy stone powder into barium sulfide, and then using sulfuric acid or sodium sulfate to precipitate the barium sulfate.

Barium sulfate is used as a reinforcing material, skeleton and flame retardant in various fireproof coatings. It has a high filling amount, which can reduce the cost of the coating and improve the toughness and hardness of the coating.
(8) Kaolin Kaolin is usually also called “china clay” and is hydrated aluminum silicate. The single crystal of kaolin is a double-layer hydrated aluminum silicate, which is chemically combined with a silicon dioxide layer and a gibbsite (water-containing aluminum oxide) layer, and has a hexagonal sheet structure. In the process of its formation, some single crystals are very firmly combined to produce a certain range of natural sizes. The 10jm particles polytetrafluoroethylene powder sds with equivalent spherical diameter are piled up from platelets, and their height is roughly equal to the average diameter. Particles have different aspect ratios depending on the equivalent spherical diameter and the way of peeling. The particles with an equivalent spherical diameter less than about 2jm are all flakes, and the average flake diameter is 4 to 10 times the thickness. The molecule of kaolin is AlgO, ·SiO:·2HgO. The chemical composition of kaolin is as follows: Al zOs(38.8%), SiO g(45.4%), MgO(0.2%), Kz O(0, 97%), NagO(0 , 07%), FeO (variable).

Due to the difference in the two sides of the kaolin particles and the high activity of the broken bonds at the edges, the kaolin is strongly inclined to agglomerate and is difficult to disperse, and the agglomeration phenomenon becomes more pronounced as the particles become smaller. However, the active surface easily interacts with organosilanes, various metal salts, polar polymers, lubricants and other substances, thereby obtaining a perfect dispersion state.


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