6 Benefits of TMG 720, an Environmentally Friendly Non-Tin Polyurethane Catalyst

2021-11-23   Pageview:721

TMG 720 is a balanced performance organic bismuth carboxylate compound. It can be room temperature cured or heat cured when used in the production of polyurethane rubber, coatings, etc. It is an excellent alternative to toxic lead-mercury-tin products. Its advantages are:

1, Safe and environmentally friendly, can replace lead mercury and tin which is being abolished by legislation;
2, Better hydrolytic stability, reduce the selectivity of the reaction with water, in water-based systems, reduce the side reaction between water and NCO groups, reduce the bubbles in thick films;
3, Better selectivity to NCO/OH groups, avoid NCO side reactions, reduce CO2 generation, and better mechanical properties of the end product;
4, In the one-component system, the amine shielded by water is released instead of promoting the reaction of NCO with water;
5, The combination of bismuth and zinc has a synergistic effect, making the formulation and production more flexible, reducing energy consumption and increasing profits;
6, Can be used alone or in combination with amines or other organometallic compounds.














Antimony oxide is used in the fire-retardant liquid used in the surface fire-retardant technology treatment of flammable fiber materials such as wood, wood products, paper, paperboard, and fabric. It mainly acts as a flame retardant; it is mainly used as a flame retardant in fire-retardant coatings.

And the role of pigments. Antimony oxide is mainly used as a synergist to wax emulsion for particle board cooperate with halogen-containing compounds, play a flame retardant effect during their thermal decomposition process, and can replace part of halogen compounds. Compared with the flame retardant synergistic effect of phosphorus-halogen and other elements, the synergistic effect of Sba Os and halogen compounds has the characteristics of less ingredients, good fire and flame resistance, and no effect on the physical properties of fire retardant coatings and fiber materials. Unlike organic elements, Sb zOs has no natural volatility. It will not decompose into gaseous compounds and burn out under the action of fire or even continuous flame. Its stability can play a role in long-lasting flame resistance, thus making fireproof coatings.

It has high-efficiency heat insulation and fireproof performance. In addition, antimony oxide has many good properties when used in coatings. Its refractive index is relatively high, similar to ZnO, it has hiding power, small particle size, low oil absorption, and is inert in most resins. Therefore, antimony oxide and halogen compounds can be used to produce fireproof coatings that have both high-efficiency heat insulation and fireproof performance and good decorative performance.

(2) Aluminum hydroxide Aluminum hydroxide, also known as hydrated aluminum oxide, has the molecular formula Al(OH)a, or AlO: ·3H2O, the relative molecular mass is 78, and the appearance is white powder, with a fineness of 325 mesh or 625~1250 mesh, true Density 2.42g/cm, bulk density (light pack) 0.25~1.1g/cm, bulk density (heavy pack) 0.45~1.4g/cm, hardness (Mohs) 3.5~5, specific heat capacity 2.82J/(g·℃). The amount of aluminum hydroxide flame retardant used occupies a large proportion of inorganic flame retardants. Aluminum hydroxide flame retardant has the advantages of good thermal stability, non-toxicity, non-volatility, non-precipitation, no corrosive gas, and less smoke scenes, and it is rich in resources and low in price.


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