Nano titanium dioxide photocatalyst for drinking water treatment

2021-11-17   Pageview:358

Nano titanium oxide photocatalyst in drinking water treatment: large light absorption coefficient in the near ultraviolet region, long-lasting photocatalytic effect, stable chemical properties, harmless to people and the environment, can inactivate most microorganisms in water and decompose organic pollutants.














In order to obtain the required hiding power, the concentration of titanium dioxide in many coatings will exceed 8%~10%, so the titanium dioxide will produce over-aggregation, which will affect the full play of its hiding power, which will undoubtedly increase the cost of the coating. Under low PVC conditions, the unit covering cost of titanium dioxide is constant, which is a reflection of the linear region of the titanium dioxide scattering curve. With the over-polymerization of titanium dioxide dominating at high dosages, the number of timbers using titanium dioxide has risen sharply , The result is a rapid increase in the cost of coverage. To put it simply, with the continuous addition of titanium dioxide, the cost continues to rise, but the efficiency continues to decline, and a large number of people are traded in exchange for limited coverage. Fortunately, the use of masking polymers can reduce the efficiency loss caused by the overpolymerization of titanium dioxide and improve the hiding power of the coating.

Covering polymer
The addition of the masking polymer to the paint can maximize the introduction of a large number of micropores into the dry paint film. The diameter of the spherical micropore is very important pe ptfe wax because it controls the light scattering efficiency of the particles. In order to maximize the light scattering, the pore diameter of R opaque TM is close to Ross’s optimal pore size-0.25 pm.

The light-scattering micropores of the shielding polymer are surrounded by a layer of polymer shell, so that the scattering centers will not overlap, so each micropore can scatter the same amount of light regardless of the concentration of the micropores, so the shielding polymer does not Over-polymerization will occur. As the amount of covering polymer increases, the covering capacity increases, as shown in Figure 20-6. The cost of the unit coverage obtained is constant.


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