Classification of the mechanism of action of catalysts

2021-11-13   Pageview:743

1, Ionic reaction mechanism.
2, Ionic reaction mechanism.
3, Complexation reaction mechanism.













The same film-forming aid has different distribution coefficients due to the different composition and structure of the emulsion.
The film-forming aid should also have good hydrolysis stability and compatibility with the emulsion, try to have no other side effects, and have a low freezing point, wax dispersion germany environmental protection and low odor, preferably odorless.
Composition and structure of film forming aids

Because the properties of the material are determined by its composition and structure, as well as the film-forming aids, the composition and structure of the film-forming aids should be introduced.
Commonly used film forming aids include Texan ol, Lusolvan FBH, Coa sol, D BE-IB, DP nB, DOWAN OLP Ph, drunk ester-12, etc., and Texan ol is often used as a benchmark for comparison.

K.Ala happe ruma and J.E.Glass L7J believe that it is known that certain film-forming aids are mixtures, and it is likely that all commercial film-forming aids are not single-component, but mixtures.
The chemical name of Texan ol is 2, 2, 4-trimethyl-1, 3-pentanediol monoisobutyrate, a product of Eastman Company, and its structural formula is as follows:

LusolvanFBH, Coa sol and D BE-IB are all mixtures of diisobutyl succinate, diisobutyl glutarate and diisobutyl adipate, and their structural formula is as follows: solvent. The partition coefficient of hydrocarbon solvents is too small, and the film-forming effect is not good.

The hydrogen bonding parameter indicates the ability of the solvent to interact with the water phase through hydrogen bonding. It strongly affects the distribution coefficient. It can also be seen from Table 18-7 that the solvents with high oxygen bonding parameters are mainly in the water phase, that is, the partition coefficient is large; while the solvents with low hydrogen bonding parameters are mainly on the interface between the emulsion polymer and water, that is, the partition coefficient is small. . Therefore, the film-forming aids with low hydrogen bonding parameters have good film-forming effects.


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