How are catalysts used in amino baking paints?

2021-11-09   Pageview:779

Amino baked enamels are generally composed of hydroxy resins, including acrylic, alkyd, epoxy, and polyester resins, and amino resins, including methyl ether or butyl ether melamine formaldehyde resins, benzene substituted amino resins, or urea formaldehyde resins.

The reaction between the base resin and the amino curing agent can be greatly improved by the addition of a suitable catalyst, and the reaction between the resin functional group and the curing agent functional group can be effectively controlled.













Coefficient of friction of ordinary floor materials
The main types and use of anti-slip agents 1. The main types of anti-slip agents
Commonly used anti-skid agents can be divided into two categories according to their materials.
Organic synthetic materials are polymerized inert polymer materials, such as polyvinyl internal lubricant for pvc chloride, polyethylene, polypropylene resin particles, polyacrylic resin particles, polyurethane resin particles, urea resin particles, rubber particles and other synthetic materials. The necessary condition for this kind of synthetic material to be used as a non-slip agent is that the molecular weight is large enough, and it is not dissolved, swelled or softened by the solvent of the coating used, so it is very suitable for water-based coatings, 100% solid resin coatings and the use of aliphatic solvents. coating.

Inorganic substances include silicon carbide, glass flakes, quartz, emery, crystals
Alumina, mica, lead powder, mica-like iron oxide, diamond, etc.

In general, the above-mentioned anti-slip agents not only impart anti-slip properties to the coating film, but also impart abrasion resistance to the coating film. The most typical example is the composite floor currently on the market and widely used in households. Its surface is an alumina composite layer, which is both slip resistant and wear resistant.

In the early days, the initial anti-skid coating used sand particles as an anti-skid agent. It was used in deck coatings. After coating and curing to form a film, although it has a good anti-skid effect in the early stage, as the coating film is worn and worn, the sand particles are easily driven out. The anti-slip performance declines rapidly and is currently not used much. The Mohs hardness value of some anti-slip agents.

Mohs hardness value of commonly used anti-skid agents
Anti-slip agent Hardness (Mohs grade) Anti-slip agent Hardness (Mohs grade)
Diamond glass
Silicon carbide marble 3~4
Alumina (white or brown) walnut shell
Emery polymer resin 2~3
Quartz rubber
Note: The Morse grade is from 15 to 1, with 15 being the hardest.


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