Applications of Hydroxyethyl hexahydrohomotriazine

2021-11-05   Pageview:364

Homotriazine fungicide: Mainly used in paper, paint and other neutral, weak alkaline, alkaline operating environment, on the non-corrosive.















Some physical and chemical properties of silane coupling agent
The silicon functional group in the silane coupling agent is hydrolyzed to generate silanol (=Si-OH). It easily forms hydrogen bonds with the polar groups on the surface of Hz O, polymers or inorganic substrates. This is the first step for the silicone coupling agent to perform the coupling effect before chemical bonding in the coating.

Aqueous solution of silane coupling agent [The use of silane coupling agent sometimes needs to be formulated into an aqueous solution or emulsion to treat the surface of inorganic fillers or substrates. It montanic acid ester wax is very important to understand its condition in the aqueous solution and the physical and chemical properties of the aqueous solution.
Neutral silane coupling agent aqueous solution

Solubility of Neutral Silane Coupling Agent in Water The alkoxy group of the silane coupling agent is insoluble in water before hydrolysis. In order to hydrolyze the alkoxy group, the molecular contact between water and the silane coupling agent must be realized. In order to achieve the goal, the usual method is to acidify the water with acetic acid, or add a human emulsifier, and then add a sufficient amount of the ethanol solution of the silicon coupling agent. Table 16-2 lists the experimental data of the series of neutral brick alkane coupling agents dissolved in water. In this experiment, 1g of silane coupling agent was first dissolved in 2mL of isopropanol and three drops of acetic acid, and then a sufficient amount of deionized water was added to keep the solution slightly turbid at the rate of dropping.

Stability of neutral silane coupling agent aqueous solution The silane coupling agent first exists in the form of silanol YRS i(OH); . As the standing time is prolonged, the molecular weight of the polycondensation increases, the solution changes from clear to turbid, and finally an oily substance is precipitated. The experimental method is to add vinyltrimethoxysilane to 100ml deionized water containing 5 drops of acetic acid, adjust the pH value of the aqueous solution with HCI or NaOH (measured with a pH meter calibrated with a standard buffer), and observe the clearness of the solution regularly. When the solution is close to the stability limit, it usually becomes turbid in a short time.


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