Use method of Anti-mold agent GNCE5700-O-20 

2021-10-28   Pageview:336

1. when using, please put on long rubber gloves and do not touch the anti-mildew agent directly.
2. Use the amount of 0.5%-1%.
3. Mix and stir GNCE5700-O-20 with oily liquid substance at 1%. When mixing, please mix a small amount first, and then a large amount, such as 1% addition ratio, first mix 1 kg of GNCE5700-O-20 with 10 kg of paint, and then add the remaining 89 kg of paint, stirring and mixing well.
4. When using paint with GNCE5700-O-20, you need to protect yourself by wearing rubber gloves to avoid contact with skin.












Rheological agent and anti-settling agent
Except powder coatings, all other coatings are fluid during construction, and the rheological properties of fluids have been widely used. In addition, the precise description of liquid properties is a complex task, more difficult than usually expected, especially for coatings. Because they are composed of montan ester wax powder polymer solutions or dispersed particle dispersions with certain modifiers and additives.
Viscosity and flow pattern
If a force is applied to a liquid such as a solvent, the force will overcome the friction in the liquid and flow, which is a common feature of various liquids. It can be described with a simple and clear example: put together thin layers of liquid, the top layer is moved by external force, and the other layers also move with this interlayer adhesion, but the bottom layer cannot move , Due to internal friction, this moving force is gradually lost with each layer.

The continuously applied force will partly disappear and end with the generated heat. In order to determine all the parameters, this force is measured according to the relative area force (N/m²). A certain force causes the layer to move (speed, m/s), which is also related to the relevant layer thickness [m/(sm)] At this point, the complete equation [2.3.4] is:
In the formula, a viscosity:
-Shear stress, r=F/A;
D——shear rate, D=du/dz;
F——shearing force;
The ratio of shear stress to shear rate is called viscosity. Viscosity is the resistance of a liquid to flow.


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