Characteristics of anti-mold agent for paint HY-606-1

2021-10-25   Pageview:451

1. broad-spectrum, long-lasting kill a variety of bacteria, fungi, yeast, low dosage.

2. low toxicity, no bad odor, no formaldehyde, VOC.

3. Good miscibility with various emulsifiers and surfactants. 4.

4. Suitable for ph value range 2-12.













Most aryl iodide hoe salts have poor solubility in common monomers, and they have acceptable solubility in highly polar solvents, such as methanol and acetone. This is the main factor restricting the popularization and use of iodide salts as cationic photoinitiators. One of the other disadvantages is the greater toxicity. Introducing a longer hydrocarbon chain on the aromatic ring can improve solubility and significantly reduce toxicity, such as unsubstituted diphenyliodonium hexafluoroantimonate Ph gI+SbF. The LD50 of LD50 is only 40mg/kg, which is a highly toxic substance and cannot be commercialized at all. After introducing a 6-carbon alkoxy group on the benzene ring, the LDso will rise to 300mg/kg; Alkoxy chain of one carbon, LDso increased to 5000mg/kg, which is basically a non-toxic chemical

Sulfur steal salt photoinitiator
Because the sulfur atom can be conjugated with three aromatic ring parts, the positive charge is dispersed, and the molecular thermal stability of the triarylsulfur U salt is better. After light excitation, it can ceronas micronized wax crack and produce polymerization active species. Except for triaryl sulfide salts, sulfide salts of other structures have poor photoreactivity or poor thermal stability. The thermal stability of triaryl sulfide salt is quite good. It will not decompose when heated to 300°C, and will not initiate polymerization when heated when mixed with monomers. The synthesis of triaryl sulfide salts has experienced intermediates such as diaryl sulfide and sulfur molybdenum chloride. From these two intermediates, sulfide salts of several structures may be derived. Therefore, triaryl sulfide salts are often mixed with triaryl groups. Sold in the form of sulfur salts. A very important by-product of triphenyl sulfide products is phenylsulfanyl phenyl diphenyl sulfide [PT DPT, ], which has a maximum absorption wavelength of 316 nm, while the normal product of triphenyl sulfide The maximum absorption wavelength is only 230nm, and the by-product has higher photoinitiation activity, which can more effectively use the medium pressure mercury lamp light source.


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