4 Characteristics of OIT preservative

2021-10-22   Pageview:596

1, broad-spectrum, efficient in killing a variety of bacteria, fungi and yeast; environmental protection, fully comply with the EU regulatory requirements.
2, low toxicity, easy to operate, can be added to any process, the use of a wide range of PH.
3, evenly dispersed, thermally stable, non-combustible, easy to transport, stable under strong UV and acid rain conditions.
4, passed ASTM E-1428-99 PINK STAIN and ASTM G-21-96 MIXED FUNGI antimicrobial test.











Alkyd varnishes leave residual paint after use, and cause serious crusting during storage, and even jelly can not be used. This is an old problem in my country’s coatings industry. The addition of the anti-skinning agent methyl ethyl ketoxime can not only delay the skinning time, but also prevent the alkyd varnish from jelly due to severe skinning. Add unequal amounts of methyl ethyl ketone oxime to the alkyd varnish, pour the evenly mixed alkyd varnish into an open cylindrical container, store at room temperature, and puncture the surface of the varnish at different times to check the skin formation. No methyl ethyl ketone is added. The oxime varnish began to crust on the 2nd day, and there was severe crust on the 4th day. The varnish with 0.1% methyl ethyl ketoxime only started to thin on the 15th day, and theskin was severely crusted after 22 days. Adding 0.25% varnish has a thin crust on the 18th day and severe crust after 22 days. The amount of methyl ethyl ketoxime in the alkyd varnish at 0.1% has an obvious anti-skinning effect, and has no effect on the dryness. If the varnish part is used and stored in a closed mouth, the non-skinning time can be prolonged by more than 1 time, and it can effectively prevent jelly.

The test method for the effect of anti-skinning agent recommended in our country: take a 125mL wide-mouth glass bottle with a ground mouth and add 95mL ± 2mL of oxidative drying paint that has added anti-skinning agent. Close the cap tightly and place it at 23℃±2℃ for 48h. Then open the cap, tilt the bottle, touch the surface of the sample with a glass rod, and observe its fluidity and surface condition. If there are filaments or uneven small lumps on the bottle wall, it is considered as a crust. Otherwise, keep the lid open for 5 minutes, then close the cap tightly, and check after leaving it for 48 hours. Taking 48h as a cycle, the non-skinning in two cycles shall be deemed as qualified for the anti-skinning property.

The Japanese Industrial Standard J IS K 5400 also has a test method for skin formation, which can be used as a reference.


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