Nanjing Tianshi attended the China Coat Show 2016

2021-02-01   Pageview:653

In Dec. 2016, Nanjing Tianshi New Material Technologies Co., Ltd attended the  China Coat Show 2016 which was held in Guangzhou, China. In those three days, Nanjing Tianshi has received over 800 customers from all over the world, with the industries of inks, coatings, paints, road marking paint and so on.

PTFE Wax Aqueous Dispersion PTFE-1003 (PFOA Free) Chemical Composition: PTFE wax Model: PTFE-1003

Nanjing Tianshi New Material Technologies Co., Ltd is the leading wax additive manufacturer in China, produce full range of waxes, like FT waxes, PE waxes, microcrystalline waxes, Micronized PE waxes, Micronized PP waxes, Micronized PA waxes, Micronized PTFE waxes, Micronized special waxes, and Wax emulsions&dispersions, serve for inks, coatings, paints, cosmetics, leather, rubber, PVC, hot melt adhesives, masterbatch, road marking paint and so on.


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