5 Features of MEIBOSS anti-mold agent for coating

2021-10-17   Pageview:394

1, Broad-spectrum antibacterial: can be pressed together with bacteria (including Gram-negative, positive bacteria) and fungi (yeast, mold, etc.);
2, High efficiency active ingredients can act on the cell membrane can directly damage the mycobacterial cell membrane, resulting in the exudation of cell contents, but also with the cytoplasm of the nucleic acid combination, so that the inactivation of the cell death;
3, Non-toxic in the advocated use of concentration, and does not contain formaldehyde or formaldehyde release;
4, No evaporation, no impact on the environment PH habitat scale is wide, between pH 3-10 are sterilization inhibition effect;
5, Good thermal stability, no differentiation below 150℃.













Poor leveling caused by marks such as brush marks and roll marks
After the paint is formed into a film by brushing or roller coating, it will leave uneven marks such as brush marks, roll marks, and contact marks on the wet film surface. Because the surface with these marks is more effective than a smooth surface. It is said that the surface area is larger and the surface energy is higher. Therefore, under the promotion of surface tension, the surface of the coating film will try to reduce the surface area to the smallest shape, that is, the uneven surface will be leveled into a smooth and flat surface. But on the other hand, because the solvent volatilization rate at the raised area of ​​the mark (convex surface) is faster than that at the bottom of the valley (concave surface), the solid content is high, and the raised area has a higher surface tension, which is generated between the raised area and the bottom of the valley. The surface tension gradient pushes the paint at the bottom of the valley to move toward the uplift, correspondingly making the bottom of the valley deeper. The movement of the wet film caused by the surface tension gradient is opposed to the leveling driving force that the surface tension pushes the wet film to form the smallest surface area. Only by reducing the surface tension gradient between the uplift and the valley bottom, and promoting the uniformization of the surface tension of the wet film surface as soon as possible, can the leveling speed of the wet film be accelerated and the leveling time can be shortened. If it cannot be leveled before the wet film is transformed into a dry film, the marks such as brush marks cannot disappear, and a smooth film surface cannot be obtained.

Poor leveling caused by orange peel, floating color and blooming
After the film is formed by spraying, curtain coating, blade coating or reverse roller coating, an initial smooth surface may be obtained. However, during the drying or curing of the wet film, the continuous volatilization of the solvent causes the viscosity of the coating film surface The solid content increases, the density increases, the temperature decreases, and the surface tension rises, resulting in a surface tension gradient between the surface and the inner layer of the coating film, pushing the solvent-enriched low surface tension lower coating to the high surface tension upper coating film It moves and spreads on the surface of the coating film to reduce the surface tension gradient of the upper and lower layers of the coating film to achieve surface tension uniformity; and the surface coating will sink to the bottom of the coating film due to its density greater than that of the inner coating.


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