8 features of OIT-45 anti-mold agent

2021-10-16   Pageview:795

1. Effective sterilization, OIT is a broad-spectrum fungicide, effective for bacteria, yeast, mold and algae.
2. Versatility, OIT can be used in all water-based system products, and can be diluted with water in any ratio.
3. Easy to use, OIT dry film mold inhibitor is liquid, so it is easy to be added to the formulation of water-based coatings and adhesives.
4. Low toxicity.
5. broad-spectrum, efficient in killing a variety of bacteria, fungi and yeast; environmental protection, fully comply with the strict requirements of EU regulations.
6. low toxicity, easy to operate, can be added to any process, applicable to a wide range of PH.
7. uniformly dispersed, thermally stable, non-combustible, easy to transport, stable under strong UV and acid rain conditions.
8. passed ASTM E-1428-99 PINK STAIN and ASTM G-21-96 MIXED FUNGI antibacterial test.













When S=0, Yc=m., that is, the surface tension of the liquid is equal to the critical surface tension of the solid. At this time, the surface energy of the solid surface does not change before and after the liquid is applied, so when the liquid is coated on the solid surface by external force Its surface area will no longer change, neither spreading nor shrinking. When S<0, L>7c, that is, the surface tension of the liquid is greater than the critical surface tension of the solid. At this time, the surface energy of the system will be increased after the liquid is coated on the solid surface. In order to make the system tend to the lowest energy equilibrium state, even if the liquid is applied by external force, it will inevitably shrink, and the newly increased surface area AA will be minimized.

When S>0, n<Ye, that is, the surface tension of the liquid is less than the critical surface tension of the solid. Therefore, the surface energy of the system will decrease after the liquid is coated on the solid surface. External forces will develop their own cloth. The larger the S value, the lower the surface tension of the liquid, the easier it is for the liquid to wet and spread on the solid surface.

From the wetting equation and spreading coefficient formula, the spreading coefficient S is a measure of the liquid’s ability to spread on the solid surface, and the solid’s critical surface tension yc is the critical value for the liquid to be wetted and spread on the solid surface. When a drop of water drops on a horizontal plastic plate or a greasy glass plate, it will form approximately spherical small droplets; when a drop of gasoline is dropped on it: it will naturally form a flat droplet. That is to say, in the first case, the surface tension of the liquid is higher than the critical surface tension of the substrate and cannot wet the substrate; and in the second case, the surface tension of the liquid is lower than the critical surface tension of the substrate. Therefore, the substrate can be wetted and spread on it.


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