Anti-mold anti-bacterial agent applications – Polyurethanes,PUR

2021-10-12   Pageview:682

Polyurethanes (PUR):

Polyurethane foam is particularly vulnerable to microbial attack. The reason for this is that polyurethane foam has an open pore structure, which makes it easy to deposit soil, dust and fungal or bacterial spores, thus encouraging the growth of microorganisms on the surface of polyurethane. Polyester polyurethanes are more susceptible to microbial attack than polyether polyurethanes, which can deteriorate the performance of the product.












In severely polluted harbors, due to the high concentration of sulfide-type sulfates, the cuprous oxide in the antifouling coating will become black copper sulfide. The solubility of copper sulfide is also very small, thus losing its antifouling effect.

In order to use cuprous oxide antifouling agent to prepare other non-red antifouling coatings, foreign companies have developed light-toned cuprous oxide, which can be used to formulate blue, micronized ptfe lube gray and other color antifouling coatings.

The molecular formula of cuprous thiocyanate, CuSC N, is also an important copper-based antifouling agent. Its antifouling performance is equivalent to cuprous oxide and can replace cuprous oxide.
The properties of cuprous thiocyanate: it can burn when heated to above 140°C in the air. It is insoluble in ethanol and cold water after drying at 110°C, soluble in ammonia and ether, and decomposed in concentrated inorganic acid. The performance index of cuprous thiocyanate.

Since the cuprous thiocyanate is a white powder, it can be made into white, blue, gray, green and other non-red antifouling paints.
Zinc oxide
The molecular formula of zinc oxide is ZnO, which is slightly soluble in seawater. Generally, it is not used as an antifouling agent alone. It is usually compounded with a copper-based organotin antifouling agent. It has a synergistic effect and is the main performance index.
Organic antifouling agents Organic antifouling agents mainly include organic tin antifouling agents and non-tin organic antifouling agents.


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