The two causes of moldy walls

2021-10-12   Pageview:615

Paint wall mold
1, the use of poor quality paint.
2, did not use primer, or the use of poor quality primer.
3, the use of poor-quality putty.
4, the construction of the substrate is too wet (to provide a suitable environment for the growth of mold).

The wall fabric wall mold
1, the glue is not good (glue is rich in nutrient sources required for the growth of mold, providing a convenient condition for the growth of mold).
2, the use of poor quality putty.
3, the construction of the substrate is too wet (to provide a suitable environment for the growth of mold).













Micronized wax and stearate
Micronized waxes mainly include synthetic waxes and semi-synthetic waxes. Synthetic waxes include micronized polyethylene waxes, polypropylene waxes, micronized polyethylene/polypropylene waxes, and micronized polytetrafluoroethylene waxes. Semi-synthetic waxes are artificially modified from natural waxes. , Such as micronized fatty acid amide wax, micronized polyethylene palm wax, polypropylene palm wax, etc.
Index of Cera flour series micronized wax from BY K company in Germany.

In addition to BY K company, there are Uni flat series from Shamrock company, Micropro series from MicronPowder company, Lanco-Wax series from Langer company, wax based emulsion Ac umist series from AlliedSignal (Hon iver) company, etc.

Domestic micro-powder wax has just started and has not yet reached the level of rivaling foreign products.
Stearates of aluminum, calcium, magnesium, and zinc have been developed earlier and used to be the main matting agent of coatings. After micron-level synthetic silica enters the market, their importance is greatly reduced. They are used in primers. There are more applications, which can improve the grinding performance.

The effect of matting agent on the gloss of coating film
The effect of micron-level synthetic silica matting agent on the gloss of coating film
The production process, structure, and physical and chemical properties of the three types of synthetic silica are different, and their effects on the gloss of the coating film are not consistent. These issues will be discussed below.


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