Physical index of perfluorinated polymeric leveling agent

2021-10-07   Pageview:820

Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid
Chemical composition: perfluoropolymer solution
Non-volatile component: 50%
Solvent: Xylene
Flash point: 30℃
Packing and storage: 25kg or 180kg iron drum













The activity of the initiator can be expressed by the decomposition rate constant or half-life. The larger the decomposition rate constant or the shorter the half-life, the higher the activity of the initiator. The decomposition rate constant is commonly used in scientific research, and the half-life is commonly used in engineering technology.
The relationship between decomposition rate constant and temperature follows the Arrhenius empirical formula.
ka=A a exp[-Ea/(RT)](4-4) In the formula, A: is the decomposition frequency factor of the initiator fischer tropsch wax sds, the As of a single molecule reaction is generally about 1013~1014; Ea is the decomposition activation energy, which is about 110~150J/mol; R is the gas constant [8.413J/(mol·K)].

Initiator decomposition rate constant ka or t1/2, activation energy E. It can be used to select initiator, polymerization temperature and production cycle. The half-life is closely related to temperature. Usually, the decomposition temperature of the initiator in a certain solvent (mostly in organic solvents such as benzene or toluene) with a half-life of 11/2=10h is called the decomposition temperature of the initiator. The decomposition temperature or half-life at the same temperature is commonly used in industry to judge the activity of the initiator. For example, at 60℃, the initiator with 11/2>6h is low activity, 1h<ti/a<6h is medium activity, t/z< 1h is high activity; or when 11/2=10h, the required temperature <50℃ is regarded as high activity.


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