Matting agents for waterborne coatings

2021-09-18   Pageview:811

Water-based coating matting agent can make the coating surface gloss significantly reduced substances called coating matting agent, the largest amount of ultra-fine synthetic silica, followed by micronized wax, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, zinc stearate amount is smaller. In addition, the addition of body pigments, increase the pigment content, add incompletely compatible resin components and mechanical methods to make the surface of the coating rough or surface embossing can also reduce the gloss of the coating film. Coating matting agent is sometimes called matting powder.











Emulsion polymerization is a complex chemical reaction process. In this process, unsaturated monomers or monomer droplets are dispersed in the continuous phase under the action of one or more emulsifiers, and the polymerization reaction is initiated by free radicals.

The resulting polymer colloidal dispersion is called latex. In the commercialized polymer production, emulsion polymerization is one of the most important technologies. Polymer latex is widely used in different fields and industries. In recent years, due to environmental reasons, more and more industries have changed from solvent-based to water-based. Today’s water-based synthetic latexes are widely used in many fields, such as adhesives, carpet adhesives, cement additives, floor polishes, leather polishing, carnauba wax emulsion msds,  coated paper and pulp, textile coatings, but the most important use is coatings .

We will focus on this application in this chapter.  In the middle of the 20th century, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company’s patent and the IG Coating Industry Laboratory already mentioned the emulsion polymerization process. In the polymerization process at that time, the monomer emulsion of styrene and butadiene was Stabilized by soap or synthetic detergent.

Since then, with the rapid progress of science and technology, the polymerization reaction has developed to be able to react between vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, vinyl acetate and acrylic esters, such as methyl methacrylate and butyl acrylate and other polar monomers, thereby greatly expanding The application field of emulsion polymerization in the polymer industry. Since 1970, a large number of basic scientific and technological works on emulsion polymerization and latex processing technology have been published , and significant progress has been made in the understanding of complex reaction mechanisms and the development of quantitative dynamic models.


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