Use of silicone fluid defoamers

2021-09-12   Pageview:669

The characteristics of silicone coating defoamer: fast defoaming, strong foam inhibition, low dosage, does not affect the basic nature of the foaming system; good heat resistance, chemical stability, non-combustible, non-explosive.












In recent years, the development of the coating industry is growing faster and faster, silicone defoamer is used in more and more areas, but in the process of use, due to a large number of surfactant components and other reasons resulting in a large number of foam, these foams, if not dealt with in a timely manner, will affect the quality and cost of coatings.

As a kind of multi-component chemical raw material, when mixing the paint, a variety of ingredients mixed reaction, rapid stirring, and containing a large number of surfactants and other reasons, resulting in a large number of foam, these foams, if not dealt with in a timely manner, will cause the paint expansion, so that the utilization rate of the blending equipment is reduced, but also make the foam quality is not good.

Silicone coating defoamer is a defoamer for coating foam research, defoaming fast, long-lasting foam inhibition, good defoaming effect, will not affect the quality, can solve your coating foam problem. The ptfe wax melting point can also play a good role in paints and coatings.


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