Fischer-Tropsch waxes in hard PVC

2021-07-22   Pageview:455

Fischer-Tropsch wax can be used in PVC processing, such as injection molding, extrusion and pelletizing industry, Fischer-Tropsch wax in the production of masterbatches and modified plastics, in the mixing process to help the dispersion of fillers and excellent slip.

fischer tropsch wax application

Fischer-Tropsch wax can be used as an external lubricant for PVC, and its low viscosity can improve the production speed of the product, and help the dispersion of the color filler during mixing. When using concentrated colors, the melted Fischer-Tropsch wax can effectively wet the dye and reduce the extrusion viscosity.

The main applications of Fischer-Tropsch wax in the plastics industry: Fischer-Tropsch wax can be used in plastics (pvc) processing, such as injection molding, extrusion and pelletizing industries. Fischer-Tropsch wax is used in the production of masterbatches and modified plastics to contribute to the dispersion of fillers and excellent slip in the mixing process.

Fischer-Tropsch wax can be used as an external lubricant for PVC, and its low viscosity can improve the production speed of the product. When using concentrated colors, the melted Fischer-Tropsch wax can effectively wet the dye and reduce the extrusion viscosity.


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