Application of polyethylene wax in water-based coatings

2021-07-16   Pageview:969

After adding emulsifier to polyethylene wax to make emulsion, it is added to acrylic resin, which can improve its hydrophilicity to some extent and play the role of anti-slip, anti-adhesion and stain resistance. Adhesion refers to the adhesion and adherence of the paint film surface to external substances, adhesion due to mutual contact between paint films, exposure to dust and staining in the atmosphere, and adhesion due to pressure.

Adding the additive polyethylene wax to the coating, the effect is that it will be uniformly dispersed from the state within the film. The molecular polyethylene wax for filling masterbatch1 gradually migrates up to the surface of the film. As a result of this migration, an anti-adhesive effect can be created on the surface of the film. Polyethylene wax also produces simultaneous synergistic effects such as anti-wear and anti-scratch. It reduces the coefficient of friction of the coating surface so that the tendency to slide is greater than the tendency to scratch when objects touch the coating surface.

The migration of polyethylene wax powder to the coating surface can result in a significant reduction in the dynamic friction coefficient of the coating surface. The addition of polyethylene wax micronized powder to the coating film can greatly reduce the tendency of the coating film to be polished by friction, thus maintaining the durability of low gloss. Polyethylene wax has obvious matting characteristics for polyester coatings, and the general addition amount is about 1%; in addition, polyethylene wax has some influence on the melt level fluidity of powder coatings, and can be used as an adjusting agent.


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