The difference between PE wax and PE ?

2021-07-13   Pageview:740

Polyethylene wax, also known as PE wax, is a chemical material, morphologically expressed as small white micro-beads or flakes, with a high melting point, high hardness, high gloss, snow-white color, etc. It is often used in coatings, inks, dermis, cosmetics, etc. and plays an important role.

Polyethylene is the raw material of PE, which is a polymer made by polymerization of ethylene monomer. Polyethylene is divided into high-density polyethylene, low-density polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene depending on the polymerization method, molecular weight and chain structure.

Low density polyethylene, commonly known as high pressure polyethylene, is mainly used in plastic bags, agricultural films, etc. because of its low density and softest material.

High density polyethylene, commonly known as low pressure polyethylene, has higher temperature resistance, oil resistance, steam penetration resistance and environmental stress cracking resistance compared to LDPE and LLDPE, in addition to good electrical insulation and impact resistance and cold resistance, and is mainly used in blow molding and injection molding.

LLDPE is similar to LDPE in appearance, less transparent, but with good surface gloss, low temperature toughness, high modulus, bending resistance and stress cracking resistance, and better impact strength at low temperature.

Polyethylene wax is an additive in the production, has good dispersibility and lubricity. There are several kinds of polyethylene wax, like Honeywell, BASF, clariant polyethylene wax; the other is the China wax, like Tianshi is such a manufacturer.


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