What is the role of wax emulsion in textile?

2021-06-19   Pageview:2033

Wax emulsion for textile is a finishing agent for yarn finishing and post-textile finishing, which is widely used in the textile industry. Tanshi wax emulsion has the excellent properties of acid resistance, alkali resistance, hard water resistance, strong water solubility, stable emulsion, can be diluted with any proportion of water without stratification, no breaking of emulsion, no caking, long shelf life, high solid content and good dispersibility.

Yarn finishing is the application of this product to the finished yarn. This treatment can produce high luster, deeper and more vivid colors, and higher elasticity and tensile strength. It is applied to the finishing mainly as an important component of the textile finishing agent, with the aim of giving the textile excellent soft hand, good smoothness and gloss, etc.

Wax emulsion for textile is also commonly used in the manufacture of leather finishing agents, water-based varnishes, water-based paints, water-based coatings, plastic and rubber smoothing agents, etc. Same index with lubrizol wax emulsion.

In textile mills, post-waxing is a common sizing process, especially in weaving high-grade fabrics, the sizing rate is generally high, the pulp film is hard and brittle, the use of post-waxing process can increase the softness and wear resistance of the pulp film, but also to prevent damage to the pulp structure due to the addition of softener in the pulp.

The purpose of post-waxing is to increase the smoothness and antistatic properties of the sizing yarn, so that the sizing yarn feels smooth, reducing the coefficient of friction and falling material, which is conducive to clear opening, reduce head breakage and improve loom efficiency, which is especially important for synthetic fibers, high-count, high-density cotton fabrics and the use of shuttleless looms.

Wax can reduce the friction coefficient of the sizing yarn on the machine parts. After the wax, can reduce the electrostatic charge in the yarn accumulation, is conducive to open clear. However, it must be noted that in the process of sizing, do not add raw wax directly into the wax tank to prevent the unmelted wax block from staining the warp yarn with the waxing roller, resulting in excessive waxing, which affects the coloring of the fabric after processing.

Waxing the bottom of the bobbin (liquid wax, yarn smoothing).

Waxing at the bottom of the bobbin can reduce the formation of hairy edge and weft removal. In the reed seat of the J32 slot installed a friction felt pad, with an oil pot plus the appropriate liquid wax, so that each flight of the shuttle can automatically wax, keep the bottom of the shuttle smooth, reduce the friction coefficient of the shuttle on the yarn, thus reducing the chance of changing the shuttle after the yarn tail into the shuttle mouth and cause burlap, off the weft.


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