How To Improve The Wear Resistance Of Natural Rubber Sealing Rings

2025-01-31   Pageview:6

How to improve the wear resistance of natural rubber sealing rings? Among many rubber products, sealing rings are an important component, and their wear resistance is crucial to the stable operation of the entire mechanical equipment.

1. Selection of raw materials:

The wear resistance of natural rubber sealing rings is closely related to the selection of their raw materials. At present, the common natural rubber materials on the market are silicone rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber, butadiene rubber, etc. Among them, silicone rubber has excellent heat resistance, cold resistance, and oil resistance, but its wear resistance is relatively poor; while styrene-butadiene rubber and butadiene rubber have good wear resistance, but poor high temperature resistance.

2. Advances in production technology:

The cross-linking density between rubber molecules can be increased by improving the vulcanization process, such as using low-temperature long-term vulcanization, multiple vulcanization, etc., thereby improving its hardness and wear resistance.

3. Design a reasonable structure:

The structural design of the sealing ring also has a great influence on its wear resistance. Reasonable structural design can improve the stiffness and strength of the sealing ring, thereby reducing its deformation degree when subjected to external forces and reducing wear.
4. Add appropriate wear-resistant additives: PTFE has a very low friction coefficient. During the friction process, PTFE molecules will form a lubricating film on the surface of the parts. PTFE has good lubricity and wear resistance under friction. In high-load applications, PTFE is the best wear-resistant additive. These high-load applications include hydraulic piston ring seals and thrust washers. The PTFE content is generally 15% in non-crystalline plastics and 20% in crystalline plastics.

Summary: Choose suitable high-elasticity and high-wear-resistant raw rubber (butadiene, polyurethane, etc.); increase the cross-linking density; reduce the surface friction coefficient of rubber products (increase the surface density or reduce the friction coefficient through surface treatment); use additional fillers or PTFE powder to improve the wear of the rubber.


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