How To Solve The Phenomenon Of Gravure Ink Sticking Back

2024-10-31   Pageview:103

How to solve the phenomenon of gravure ink sticking back? The so-called sticking refers to the adhesion of the ink layer on the printed product to another contact surface (usually the back of the film) after printing and winding, or the ink adheres to another contact surface.

This phnomenon is more likely to occur in hot seasons, but high temperature is not the only reason for sticking back. It is also closely related to a series of factors such as plastic, ink, solvent evaporation rate, air volume in the operating environment, and light.

1. Binder resin in ink:
Different binder resins are used in inks, and the anti-sticking properties of inks are also different. At present, the inks used for plastic film gravure printing are all solvent-based inks, which are composed of binder resins, pigments, solvents, etc. Composite inks generally need to add some wax powder between the two layers of plastic film on the printing paper to play an anti-sticking role, improve the lubrication of the printing machine scraper and improve the ink transfer ability.

2. The solvent in the gravure ink is not completely evaporated:
Plastic film printing dries the ink by solvent evaporation. Its evaporation speed is an important factor that determines the drying of the ink layer and affects the printing quality. The slower the solvent evaporates, the better the reproducibility of the plate and the more beautiful the color of the printed product, but it is easy to stick; on the contrary, it will produce white prints and other phenomena.

3. Printing speed:
The speed of printing determines the length of drying time that the printed product can get. Therefore, the printing speed should be increased only after ensuring that the printed ink layer is fully dried.

Solutions and precautions for solving adhesion failures:
Adhesion is one of the most common problems in ink printing. It is especially prone to adhesion during the high temperature and high humidity rainy season. Because adhesion cannot be detected immediately, it often causes great losses. Adding additives to the resin can effectively prevent internal adhesion. Tianshi anti-sticking wax emulsion is selected, which is a special anti-sticking agent for ink, which has an anti-sticking effect, improves the lubrication of the printing machine scraper and improves the ink transfer ability.


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