How To Prevent Printing Glue From Sticking

2024-10-12   Pageview:23

How to prevent printing glue from sticking? If the surface of glue printing is sticky, a certain ratio of anti-sticking agent can be added when producing glue, or TG can be increased during dairy production. If it is after printing, it can be dried at high temperature to reduce it, or a layer of anti-sticking treatment agent can be covered on the surface.

There are three main points to do to prevent printing glue from sticking:

1. Find a suitable printing glue. There are a variety of materials on the market, and it is inevitable that it is easy to step on the pit. It is best to choose a professional R&D and production printing glue manufacturer.

2. When doing glue printing, it is necessary to ensure that the printing glue pattern is completely dry before packaging and delivering the cloth. The drying speed of printing glue produced by different manufacturers is different. If conditions permit, you can choose a faster drying speed, while the natural ventilation drying time is relatively long. Remind all printing friends to do pre-production testing. In addition to the test of feel, tension, and fastness, the most important thing is the anti-sticking test of the printing pattern.

3. The printing glue is sticky and the surface is not dry. It can also be solved by choosing isolation slurry and matte cover slurry to cover the surface. Printing on the surface of the glue 1-2 times can completely solve the problem of stickiness, but some printing friends will feel that the cost increases and the operation is troublesome, so when purchasing printing glue, try to choose regular manufacturers or choose matte and flat glue printing.

Anti-sticking agent for printing glue, anti-clogging network agent for printing:

1. Used for glues such as acrylic acid and acetic acid to prevent back sticking.

2. Extend the open time and reduce blockage and plugging.

After the wax emulsion is dispersed in the printing glue system, during the physical drying or curing and cross-linking process after the printing glue is constructed, the wax particles will drift to the surface of the glue and gradually migrate to the surface of the glue, thereby playing a certain protective role, making the fabric less likely to stick to other materials, so it can significantly improve the scratch resistance and anti-back sticking performance of the glue surface.


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