What Are The Types Of PVC Hard Pipe Lubricants?

2024-10-10   Pageview:26

What are the types of PVC hard pipe lubricants? Hard PVC pipes have good chemical corrosion resistance, good electrical insulation performance, and good wear resistance. They are mainly used as drainage pipes. The molding temperature range of hard PVC pipes is relatively narrow, especially the melting temperature of hard PVC is close to the decomposition temperature, so the molding flow is easy to decompose at high temperature. The decomposition of the flow not only affects the physical properties, but also causes defects in the appearance of the product.

The lubrication system has a great influence on the dynamic thermal stability, so the importance of choosing a lubricant is no less than that of choosing a thermal stabilizer.

How to choose a PVC hard pipe lubricant:

1. External lubricant: This lubricant has poor compatibility with the molding resin, so it is often used in molding processing machinery or molds. It forms a lubricating layer between it and the resin, which is convenient for the resin to flow and the demolding of the product, such as paraffin.

2. Internal lubricant: This type of lubricant has good compatibility with the resin and is often added to the resin to reduce the melt viscosity of the resin and improve its fluidity.

Common lubricants include Fischer-Tropsch wax, paraffin, polyethylene wax, oxidized polyethylene wax, etc. Slightly changing the combination of lubricant varieties and slightly increasing or decreasing the amount used in the rigid PVC pipe formula will greatly change the surface appearance quality, mechanical strength and output of the pipe.

The role of PVC rigid pipe lubricant:

1. PVC lubricant is an additive that can improve the processing performance of PVC. It also has the effects of promoting melting, facilitating demoulding, preventing static electricity, and preventing adhesion.

2. Lubricants reduce the friction between materials and between materials and the surface of processing equipment, reduce the flow resistance of the melt, reduce the viscosity of the melt, improve the flow of the melt, prevent the adhesion of the melt to the equipment, and improve the surface finish of the product.

PVC rigid pipe lubricant can not only improve the fluidity of the material, but also improve the apparent quality of the product. Moreover, due to the reduction of internal and external friction, the destructive effect of mechanical force is weakened. At the same time, when the components come into contact with the metal, they can prevent the components from adhering to the metal surface of the processing equipment, which can improve the dynamic thermal stability of PVC materials in actual processing.


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