What Should I Do If The Masterbatch For Film Blowing Is Not Dispersed Well?

2024-09-30   Pageview:28

What should I do if the masterbatch for film blowing is not dispersed well? Masterbatch granules are made by grinding, turning, washing, drying and granulation in water phase. Only in this way can the quality of the product be guaranteed. Uneven dispersion is the most critical reason why the quality of masterbatch products cannot be guaranteed.

Problems and solutions for uneven masterbatch dispersion:

1. Insufficient expansion force of blow molding air causes masterbatch to change color at high temperature. It is recommended to change the processing technology and use high-temperature masterbatch.

2. The reason for the appearance of color spots on the surface of the product is that the masterbatch dispersion is uneven and the raw material plasticization is not good. Tianshi New Materials recommends replacing the filter to increase the fineness of the mesh, increase the barrel temperature, and add masterbatch dispersant to improve dispersion. The common method used by manufacturers now is to add PE wax lubricant dispersant to improve the dispersion performance of the masterbatch and improve fluidity.

Tianshi’s cost-effective PE wax for masterbatch can be used to produce masterbatch, masterbatch, and PVC pipes. The lubrication, dispersion, and performance of polyethylene wax meet customer requirements. The disadvantage is that the cost will be higher. It is suitable for customers who make high-end masterbatches. It can solve the problems of white spots, lines, spots, patterns, rough feel, etc. that are prone to occur in the masterbatch production process, improve the dispersibility of the masterbatch, and eliminate precipitation!


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